(207) 487-4000 / TTY 487-4590
Community Health Needs Assessment

Inpatient Care

At SVH, we understand that being in the hospital instead of at home can be stressful, which is why our staff works diligently to provide compassionate quality care while ensuring that all patients, visitors, and staff are safe and treated respectfully.

Since SVH does not have restricted visiting hours, family and friends may visit patients at their convenience. We do ask for consideration of the other patients and strongly encourage keeping the number of visitors and noise to a minimum. Since early mornings can be very busy for the nursing staff, visitors may be asked to step outside if patient care is needed.

Occasionally, we place restrictions on visitors at the patient’s request or because of infection prevention and control issues. Please read the signs placed on patient doors, and ask a nurse for more information.

Children of any age are welcome to visit SVH, although we ask that they are well-supervised while they are here.

We offer visitor meal trays at an affordable cost for people who wish to dine with patients in patient rooms; please ask a member of Nutritional Services for more information. We also serve light meals and snacks in our cafeteria. Free coffee, tea, and water are always available to visitors. Coffee and tea may be obtained in our dining room or near the nurses station.

Special Care Unit
For patients who require special medical attention, we provide three special care units that are staffed by specially trained critical-care nurses and equipped with technology and resources necessary to provide quality care.

Phone Service/Wi-Fi Access
Phones are available at each patient’s bedside and can be used for incoming calls and outgoing local calls during their hospital stay. SVH also provides free Wi-Fi service to patients and visitors at our hospital.

We also offer a TTY phone and phones with volume control for patients and visitors with hearing issues.