(207) 487-4000 / TTY 487-4590
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About SVH
Diabetes and Nutrition Clinic
Diabetes and Nutrition Clinic
Diabetes and Nutrition Clinic
Additional Resources
Diabetes Education and Training
Diabetes Support Group
72-hour Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Take Charge of Your Diabetes Self-Management Program
Diabetes and Nutrition Clinic
Our team of experienced dietitians and nurses can help manage your nutrition, diabetes, and other chronic disease issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity. We work closely with you and your health care provider to make a plan that is right for you.
Our services include the following:
“Take Charge of Your Diabetes”
– a self-management education program that includes time with a diabetes program that includes time with a diabetes educator, dietitian and group sessions.
Meal Planning Made Easy
Injection training
Glucometer training
Intensive insulin management
Insulin pump evaluation, teaching, and follow-up
Gestational diabetes education
72-hour continuous glucose monitoring for blood sugar management
Community nutrition and diabetes education programs
Please contact the SVH Diabetes and Nutrition Clinic about how we can help you reach your health goals. We are located at the hospital in Pittsfield, Maine. To reach us directly, please call 207.487.4068.
Please click here to download a Referral for Services form