(207) 487-4000 / TTY 487-4590
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About SVH
Diabetes and Nutrition Clinic
Take Charge of Your Diabetes Self-Management Program
Diabetes and Nutrition Clinic
Diabetes and Nutrition Clinic
Additional Resources
Diabetes Education and Training
Diabetes Support Group
72-hour Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Take Charge of Your Diabetes Self-Management Program
Take Charge of Your Diabetes Self-Management Program
This comprehensive program provides the tools you need to manage diabetes and live a healthy life. The program consists of individual initial visits with a diabetes educator and dietitian, three group sessions to work with others who are also learning to manage diabetes (or individual sessions if your needs are specific), and two follow-up sessions with a dietitian to check-in with you and help with any issues you may have.
Take Charge of Your Diabetes
is recognized by the American Association of Diabetes Educators. For information about signing up, please call 207.487.4040.