(207) 487-4000 / TTY 487-4590
Community Health Needs Assessment


EMHS and its members participate with HealthInfoNet, Maine's health information exchange. HealthInfoNet combines information from separate healthcare sites to create a single electronic patient health record. This allows approved healthcare providers to quickly access the information they need to make better decisions about their patients’ care, especially in an emergency.

HealthInfoNet is a Maine-based non-profit agency. Only health care providers see your information in the system. Employers, insurance companies, and government do not. To learn more, download this information sheet or visit HealthInfoNet’s website.

If you do not want your information available to healthcare providers using the health information exchange, you may opt-out online or by printing and filling out this form then mail it to HealthInfoNet, 125 Presumpscot Street/Box 8, Portland, Maine 04103.
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