(207) 487-4000 / TTY 487-4590
Community Health Needs Assessment

Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find a listing of Frequently Asked Questions:

Questions about your account may be directed to our Patient Account Services at 207.487.4020 or toll-free at (800) 557-8578. You may also contact us by email ([email protected])

1. Did you bill my correct insurance?
Questions about insurance may be directed to our Patient Account Services.
2. Did you receive my payment?
Questions about your account may be directed to our Patient Account Services.
3. I was injured at work, why am I getting a bill?
After notifying your employer of a work-related injury, your employer should have filed a ‘Notice of Injury’ with the company’s workers compensation carrier. If they did not, the claim may be denied and become your responsibility.Please check with your employer regarding the status of your workers compensation claim.
4. What do I owe?
You should receive an account statement in the mail. Your statement will reflect any unpaid balances on your account.Questions about your account may be may be directed to our Patient Account Services.
5. What if I didn't give anyone my insurance information?
You should call our office at 207.487.4020 or toll-free (800) 557-8578. In order to prevent precertification and timely filing issues with your insurance plan, it is important that you contact us immediately.
6. What is "pending" with my insurance company mean?
You may have received a letter or questionnaire from your insurance company requesting additional information. If you do not respond to this, the bill may become your responsibility.
Questions about your account may be may be directed to our Patient Account Services.
7. What is a deductible?
A "deductible" is an annual expense that you must pay before your insurance benefits can begin.
8. What is coinsurance?
"Coinsurance" is the portion of the total bill (usually a percentage) that is the patient’s (or guarantor’s) responsibility to pay.
9. What is a co-pay?
A "Co-pay" is a set amount paid each visit, based on your insurance policy. This usually does not count towards your deductible.
10. What is pre-authorization?
Many insurance plans require prior approval for services by patients and/or their primary care providers (PCPs) before services can be covered. This is often referred to as pre-authorization.
11. What other bills will I recieve?
In addition to your bill from SVH, you may receive bills from private practice physicians who may have provided services to you. For instance, you may receive bills from consulting physicians, radiologists, or other specialists. Please contact their offices directly if you have questions concerning their bills.
12.Who is responsible for paying my bill?
SVH will bill your insurance company directly ( unless you specify otherwise), still, you are ultimately responsible for making certain that your bill is paid. If a balance remains after your insurance has issued a payment or a denial, payment is due immediately upon receipt of your statement.
13. Why didn't my insurance pay?
You should have received an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) or Explanation of Payment (EOP) from your insurance company, showing how they considered your claim. This EOB/EOP should have a contact telephone number or web site where you can reach your insurance company for questions. Please contact your insurance company or benefits office with questions about denied claims.